Friday, May 26, 2006

Busy Night

I have been busy tonight. I worked till six. I had to pick up a dresser for my Lady on the way home. Then I put an automatic sprinkler system in for the wife's garden in front of the house. Had to chainsaw some stumps that interfered with the sprinklers. Wacked weeds. And finally, when that was all done, I brewed a new batch of beer.
This, I believe, is going to be my best yet. It's a Czech Pilsener with a lot of hops. Saaz hops. Good stuff, trust me. I loaded it with malt till it hit about six percent alcohol. I'm planning to run slow fermentation along with secondary fermentation. So it should be a crisp, clear beer. But it will take about six weeks till it's ready.
I can wait.
Hell of a storm here tonight. Rain, wind and even a few tornados close by. It's not over yet. A few more hours and we'll be out of the woods, so to speak.
Suppose to be a great weekend though. Sunny, mid 80's and generally nice. Three day one, too. I'm planning to split it up between the bike, the river and the family cookout. In that order.
The next wave of our storm is arriving now. I wanted to get this posted before the power went out. I'll have more tomorrow.
Thanks for reading. My readers make my day.


Blogger Carrie said...

when you say 'out of the woods';is that because all the trees got blown down?

Tell all the family I said hello. Mrs. Boss invited us over, but the Golf Course needs me, and I need the money.....does this make me a vegetarian, living off greens?

Friday, May 26, 2006 6:19:00 AM  
Blogger Tramp said...

Carrie, I think that makes you vegan.

And Colleen, we survived the storm. Better to get past it now than on the weekend. Perhaps I'll ride to Hopedale for a short visit.

And now for a mini rant.
I don't see eye to eye with Abate. I am talking about the local chapter, I don't know if they are all like this. They have wanted me to join for many, many years. No, I always say. And here is why. They constantly complain about the helmet law. Wake up people, we don't have one, and I wish they would stop bringing it up and keeping it fresh in the politicians minds. Leave it alone, it's exactly like we want it. Don't remind the pols, that's just a bad idea. And my biggest beef with them is when they claim to promote bikers. But what do they do? Their meetings are drunkfests. And not away from the public eye, either, they do this at local taverns. Right out in front of God and everyone. Thanks guys, really helps the image.

And Sweet, I have one thing to say to you as a boater. I'd rather be on the boat with a drink on the rocks than in the drink with a boat on the rocks! Stay safe.

Friday, May 26, 2006 12:12:00 PM  
Blogger Tramp said...

That sounds like a good idea. Have Geno get a hold of me. Or maybe I'll call him after work.

Yes, I'm at work writing this. But I know the boss.

Friday, May 26, 2006 2:19:00 PM  
Blogger Tramp said...

You are right, Corrine. It was a great weekend, if a little hot. I rode all weekend.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006 12:19:00 AM  

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