Bobby's Secret Admirer
I have a request from a reader to place her photo on this site. So long as I have a person's permission, I will post their photo.
This one is dedicated to Bobby.

Random thoughts and experiences infused with a touch of humor. And freebies, too. The Crew: TRAMP; Chief Editor, Head Brewer And Publisher / CORRINE; Midwest Editor, Writer And Research Assistant / SWEET; West Coast Editor, Writer And Head Of Information / CARRIE; East Coast Editor, Writer, Beer Tester and Professional Foxy Babe/ SOUTHERN GIRL: Southern Editor, Writer, Executive Commentator And Board Certified Professional Advisor
She is here now. She wants to come over.
She wants to know when. She doesn't have a place to stay.
I hope they gave you a nice room. I still don't have that address but I am working on it.
I really don't know, but I'll get it.
Don't push me.
Don'T know Bro...
Don't make me call in Geno!
Alright then, what do you want?
Y'know - "Bobby" has a WIFE who is not at all happy about this crap. He (WE) don't need any ugly FAT pigs trying to mess with MY husband. So PIG, GO AWAY & make trouble somewhere else. Oh- & get braces for your ugly beaver teeth, because eeeeewwww!
Come anyway near my husband & I will pick up your "tab", PIG. I'm here, where are you? Come on over, Ugly beaver --teethed PIG.
That was NOT Sweet.
That was a stand in actress we hired to get Bobby to leave Sweet alone.
And she is a professional wrestler so you may not want to taunt her!
I'll post a real photo of Sweet so you can see the real her.
Don't be stupid all of your life.
Hello, Vickie. Yes, I know it's you. I am tracking you. By the way, your Javascript 1.3 is out of date and you screen res is a little too high for that IE6 browser. Oh, and the Road Runner ISP you are using is not registered to you. It's amazing what stupid people can do, isn't it?
Let's explore that, shall we?
I'm not the one who needs etiquette lessons online to keep from making a fool of myself, now am I?
And I'm not the one stealing internet service from the neighbors, now am I?
And I’m not the one sitting at home drunk and unemployed at this moment, now am I?
And I’m not the one who resorted to name calling, now am I?
Let’s take a look at your website to see how you are doing. Oh, you don’t have one?
How about your business, how’s it doing. Oh, you don’t have one?
How about your home, is it nicer than mine? Oh, you don’t have one?
How about your vehicles, your boats, your motorcycles, how do they run? Oh, you don’t have one?
How about your bicycle then? Oh, that’s your husbands!
Well, what about your beer? You’ve got that, don’t you?
And you call me stupid! Yeah, that’ll take.
You need to be very careful who you call names. I am a very helpful person.
And believe you me, you need help.
SLAM DUDE! remind me never to call you names!
I don't enjoy doing that, but I will not tolerate namecalling.
Especially when I'm not wrong.
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