The United States Marines

Corrine sent me these quotes as a reminder that it is time once again to thank the Marines for a job well done.
To the United States Marines,
Thank you, each and every one of the United States Marines, for a job not only well done, but done to a point beyond perfection. I don't know how you do it, but please keep doing it.
Where would we be without you?
Semper Fidelis.
And here are Corrine's quotes.
Being a Marine isn't's the ONLY thing.
Semper Fidelis, Gerald T. Pothier
Capt. USMC (Ret)1951-1988
"Some people live an entire lifetime and wonder if they have made a difference in the world. Marines don't have that problem."
President Ronald Reagan , 1985
"There are only two kinds of people that understand Marines: Marines and the enemy. Everyone else has a second-hand opinion."-- Gen. William Thornson, U.S. Army
"Freedom is not free, but the U.S. Marine Corps will pay most of your share." -- Ned Dolan
This reminded me of a Marine joke.
The Marines are not like you. They are better.
Don't forget to thank them.
I sure hope the Marines like my joke.
A Marine Sergeant was known for being a nasty person.
One day, there was a dance in town for all of the Marines.
The wife of one of the Marines under this nasty Sergeant was there and saw the Sergeant.
She went over to him and asked him, “Why are you so nasty?”
He ignored her.
She then said, “I bet I know why you’re so nasty. When is the last time you had sex?”
The Sergeant quickly replied, “1955”.
She said, “1955? It’s no wonder you are so nasty. That is a long time to go without sex.”
The Sergeant replied, “Really? It’s only 2130 now.”
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