Monday, December 11, 2006

Weird Laws Quiz

The average score on this quiz: 2.6 / 10 = 26%

Weird Laws

Question 1: In which state is it illegal to fall asleep with your shoes on?
A: Virginia
B: Minnesota
C: California
D: North Dakota

Question 2: In New York, the penalty for jumping off a building is:
A: Life in prison
B: Death
C: A $50 fine
D: Community service

Question 3: In Kansas, you cannot shoot a rabbit from:
A: A motorboat
B: A moving truck
C: A neighbor's roof
D: Under a parked car

Question 4: In what state is sunshine guaranteed to the masses?
A: California
B: Florida
C: Texas
D: Arizona

Question 5: Which food cannot be served in Wisconsin state prisons?
A: Peanuts or any food processed near peanuts
B: Processed cheese
C: Artificial sweeteners
D: Butter substitutes

Question 6: What states can you not cross between while wearing a chicken on your head?
A: Minnesota and Wisconsin
B: Washington and Oregon
C: Virginia and West Virginia
D: Texas and Louisiana

Question 7: Which animal are you not allowed to have in the back seat of your car in Massachusetts?
A: A tiger
B: An ostrich
C: A gorilla
D: A pig

Question 8: Before committing a crime in Texas, criminals must:
A: Submit an anonymous description of the crime to the police
B: Warn the victim 24 hours in advance
C: Notify their local newspaper/station 48 hours in advance
D: Prepare their house for a police search

Question 9: In which state is it illegal to sleep on top of a refrigerator outdoors?
A: Iowa
B: Illinois
C: Pennsylvania
D: Oregon

Question 10: In which state is it illegal to go trick-or-treating on Halloween?
A: Virginia
B: North Carolina
C: South Carolina
D: Maryland


And The Answers Are:

Question 1: In which state is it illegal to fall asleep with your shoes on?
D: North Dakota

Question 2: In New York, the penalty for jumping off a building is:
B: Death

Question 3: In Kansas, you cannot shoot a rabbit from:
A: A motorboat

Question 4: In what state is sunshine guaranteed to the masses?
A: California

Question 5: Which food cannot be served in Wisconsin state prisons?
D: Butter substitutes

Question 6: What states can you not cross between while wearing a chicken on your head?
A: Minnesota and Wisconsin

Question 7: Which animal are you not allowed to have in the back seat of your car in Massachusetts?
C: A gorilla

Question 8: Before committing a crime in Texas, criminals must:
B: Warn the victim 24 hours in advance

Question 9: In which state is it illegal to sleep on top of a refrigerator outdoors?
C: Pennsylvania

Question 10: In which state is it illegal to go trick-or-treating on Halloween?
A: Virginia

SOURCE: Arcamax


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I bombed that test, although I am still better than average (I got three right).

Tuesday, December 12, 2006 7:12:00 AM  
Blogger Tramp said...

It's the nature of the beast.

I got 2!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006 4:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of laws, did you see the raid the feds did
on Swift and Company, yesterday? One of the largest meat packing plants in the US. They hit locations in 6 states. They seem to employ some people who BROKE
the LAWS when they entered this country. I saw a female
worker being hauled away to jail, crying out, "This isn't right!" I don't see anything wrong with it. It was kind of an early Christmas for me. They were using other peoples Social Security Numbers to pass themselves off
as American citizens. Did you know that if the Department of Social Security finds out that someone else is using your SS Number, they are not allowed to tell you? What a crock of crap that is.
Well, 600 illegals down, 11,000,400 to go.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:29:00 AM  

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