Which One Is The Football Town?
Here are the Indianapolis Colts returning home after their Super Bowl win this year.

Here are the Pittsburgh Steelers returning home after their Super Bowl win last year.

The Colts.

The Steelers.



Here is Carrie with the numbers.
Indy's 2007 Super Bowl Victory Parade -
estimated 45,000 fans
Pittsburgh’s 2006 Super Bowl Victory Parade -
estimated 250,000 fans
Total Population in Indianapolis - 784,118
Total Population in Pittsburgh - 316,718
So which one is the football town?
Here's another hint.
It's not Indy.
*raises hand*
i know, i know!
is it...pittsburgh?
Let me ask you this.
Which one do you think New Orleans would have looked like had they won?
The hint is the same as above!
in new orleans they'd still be partying!
Apparently we are not alone!
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