Caption Contest, Britney Spears Edition
I recently posted some Britney nonsense and it made me think about a caption post for her. I wanted a good photo though, something that leaves a lot of room for various captions and at the same time, is fun to do. I also enjoy poking fun at her husband, K-Fud. It's so easy. He apparently became upset with me after the Penny post. He says I don't understand him or his music. I received a copy of his song, 'America's Most Hated' for review. At the beginning of the song, he raps,"I got carrots in my ears". Yes he does. I responded to him, "K-Fud. First, you are not America's most hated. That would be Osama Bin Laden. Perhaps you've heard of him? Second, take the carrots out of your ears and listen to the crap that is coming out of your mouth". I don't think he likes me anymore. I am heartbroken.
I checked with my sources. I wanted something good, but also something not many people have seen before.
Trev to the rescue. This is what we came up with. Have fun.

Great my tongue is long enough!
Where's the beef?
And you want me to put it where?
"And this is for changing my name to Fudpuckerline.". " It's Fuderline, I mean Federpuck, I mean..."
Tastes like chicken, really bad chicken.
UPDATE: Did anyone notice this post was missing for a while? I've been hacked! It was someone in LA. Do you think I pissed Fudboy off? Well, if he was pissed before, he should be livid now, if you know what I mean. Yes, I returned the favor. Someone is going to need some major repair work now!
"Tastes like chicken, really bad chicken."
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