Sunday, May 21, 2006

Corrine And The Popularity Of Bush

Boy, that didn't come out right at all. Let me clarify that. Corrine stopped by and brought this excellent article written by Melvin Durai on the popularity of our President. I found it very funny. Here's hoping you do too.


It may appear that President Bush's job-approval rating is low -- one poll puts it at 29 percent -- but let's not kid ourselves: The president is immensely popular. Just look at the standing ovations he gets whenever he makes a speech. Everybody loves him, aside from a few people who have to be led away by security.

The president's job-approval rating is actually quite high, but you wouldn't know that from the flawed polls conducted by the liberal media. Thankfully, Fox News Channel has conducted a "fair and balanced" poll, which shows that Americans overwhelmingly approve of their president. Some of the findings:

---Almost 70 percent of 1,000 U.S. adults surveyed in a telephone poll think President Bush is doing an "excellent or pretty good job" of dressing himself. The other 30 percent approve of the suits he wears, but would prefer not to see him in tight jeans.
---More than 50 percent of respondents say that if the 2004 presidential election were held again, they would not change their vote. Yes, they'd still vote for the same guy and we all know who that guy is.
---When given several choices and asked to rank them in "likeability," 90 percent of respondents put President Bush first, finding him much more likeable than enemas, rattlesnakes, and telemarketers, in that order.
---More than 60 percent of respondents "strongly agree" that America has never seen a leader like President Bush. An even greater number (70 percent) "strongly agree" with the statement "President Bush is doing a hell of a job."
---A whopping 75 percent answered "yes" to the question "Do you hold President Bush in such regard that you would recommend him to another country?" Some respondents were so enthusiastic, they elaborated on their answers, giving such responses as "He'd make a great Prime Minister of Canada!" and "Russia! No country would be more deserving."
---A solid 65 percent of respondents believe the country is on the right track; only 35 percent say the country is on the left track.

As a whole, Americans see the country as a train that's chugging forward. The survey shows that President Bush has had a positive religious influence on the country, with 68 percent of respondents saying they "strongly agree" with the statement "Since President Bush took office, I've done a lot more praying."
The survey also shows that Americans are overwhelmingly confident about the economy, despite job losses to other countries and the rising price of gas. More than 60 percent say the economy under President Bush is "extremely strong or very strong" compared to the economy under President Hoover.

Job seekers remain optimistic about their prospects. Almost 80 percent of them "strongly agree" with the statement "I am confident about getting a job within two or three weeks of moving to India."
While liberals have been attacking President Bush for the supposed lack of progress in Iraq, the survey shows that Americans overwhelmingly support the president in his mission to spread democracy in the Arab world. More than 90 percent of respondents "strongly agree" with the statement "President Bush is handling the war in Iraq as well as he has handled everything else."
Americans are impressed with the president's growing expertise in foreign affairs. About 60 percent of respondents "strongly agree" with the statement "When the president makes a speech about 'Iraq,' only on very few occasions does he actually mean 'Iran.'"


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