The King Of Nicknames Is Geno

There is a guy out there who whips out nicknames like water. His name is Geno. And you had better hope it's a good one, because if he names you, it sticks. I don't know why that is, but I know it is. One fellow, who we met one day, had a very short, almost military, haircut. Geno took one look at him and said, "Hey Hairless!". He didn't like it, but to this day, he is know as Hairless. A tall fellow we know named himself Congo. He liked the name. Geno took one look and said, "Too Tall!". Wanna guess the rest. A long time ago, he was dating a girl who, due to her drinking, he said had the right stuff. She is still called Stuff. A tiny little girl he met one day is now known as Short Stuff. One very unhappy guy, that Geno didn't take a liking to, is still called Penishead. A local sidewalk commando was known as Leatherpants. Then Geno showed up. Now he is Boots.
He gave me a nickname long, long ago. I made him take it back under threat of violence*. And that is the only way one of his nicknames doesn't stick. He has to remove it.
No, I'm not saying what it was.
But his names stick. There is nothing you can do to rid yourself of it. So you better hope it's a good one.
Right Sweet?
*Geno and I have threatened each other with violence many, many times. It is understood that it is always a joke. Geno and I have never laid a finger on one another and never will. A typical fight between us goes like this:
Me: I'll kill you! Many, many times!
Geno: Better bring a sandwich. And get me one too. Oh, and a beer.
Me: A beer, good idea! I'll just kill you later.
Geno: How's a week from Friday for you?
I love him like a brother. And he loves me like a puppy dog I think. He's always patting me on the head while I growl at him.
FOOTNOTE: My nickname, Tramp, was given to me by an ex girlfriend. I am, and have always been, a biker. She named me Scooter Tramp.
There is another angle about his names. And it also works this way. When you get a name from him, he no longer recogniizes your old one. I've heard him on the phone saying, "Who? I don't know you, but you sound like my friend Hairless!"
I can hear him now.
"Lucy, you got some 'splainin to do!"
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