Russian Federal Highway
Carrie has some photos ot the Russian Federal Highway.
Is this modern or what?
I will never complain about a pothole again!
This is the Russian Federal highway, Moscow city to Yakutsk City.
The road doesn't have asphalt surface, though it is a vital Federal highway.
Everytime it rains, the traffic flow gets paralized; these shots were made a few days before the traffic jam of 600 cars got stuck there. Hunger and lack of the fuel followed, according to the witnesses. One woman gave birth to a child right in the public bus she was riding on.
Construction teams were afraid to appear on site because during their previous visit they were beaten by people who were stuck for a few days. People were breaking the locks on the trucks, in search of food and warm clothes.
Fuel, food, firearms and steel tow-line are the things that are needed most these days on this Federal highway.

Looks like the Russians should be "Putin" some money
into their highways. Is it any wonder they pound Vodka
like there's no tomorrow.
Perhaps they leave the road dirt so they can grow more potatoes!
Either that or it just makes it easier to find a spot
to bury the corpses of those who don't see things as they should. And if these folks live outside the country,
no problem, they just slip them a radioactive mickey
when they aren't looking. I miss the cold war days.
That's not possible!
There can't be anyone in Russia who is stupid enough to not "see things as they should".
Could there?
Well, yes and no. There are people there who voice their opinion about the government, then they wind up dead
somehow. Beats the hell out the government how these things happen. They pull a "Shultzie", we know nothing!
I believe a female journalist was murdered there earlier this year. She was very critical of the government. Also, the "spy vs. spy" thing that's playing out now on the news is pretty sloppy work compared to how they used to handle things. Seems to be airliners, hotels, eateries and a sports arena in England testing positive for the presence of radiation. I remember years ago when the KGB killed a soviet who defected to England and was very outspoken and critical of the USSR. They used an umbrella gun to shoot a tiny BB into this guys leg. The BB was treated with a very toxic poison. The man died with a couple days. That was a pretty clever job. This latest one is a real hack job. Possibly endangering many more people than it should have.
That wasn't a poisoned BB. Tt was a piece of a highly toxic isotope polonium-210. Radiation killed the man and most probably exposed numerous innocent people to radiation. The location where it happened, as per Yahoo! news, "houses a collection of artworks made by leading British designers, as well as offices and flats for diplomats, recreational places, a medical center, a kindergarten and stores."
I don't think the Russians are lying when they say they know nothing!
The poison BB was used in the 1978. It was actually even smaller than a BB and under a microscope they found that a hole had been bored out to hold a minute amount of whatever toxic substance they used. The first attempt killed the man they were after, a Bulgarian disedent, and they later tried it again on someone else and that person became very ill, but survived.
Not a good time to be a journalist in Russia, as they seem to have a shorter than normal life span.
Seems it's true, the more things change, the more they stay the same.
This is what happens in a country where the first order of government business is always, "First we drink the vodka!"
Here is a slogan for them;
A New Law In Every Bottle!
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