Friday, July 06, 2007

Bar Problems

From Irene.


A construction worker walks into a bar. He's a rather large, menacing guy.
He orders a beer, chugs it back,and then bellows, "All you guys on this side of the bar are c*cksuckers! "
A sudden silence descends.
After a moment, he asks,"Anyone got a problem with that?"
The silence lengthens.
He then chugs back another beer and growls, "And all you guys on this side of the bar are motherf*ckers! "
Once again, the bar is silent.
He looks around belligerently and roars, "Anyone got a problem with that?"
A lone man gets up from his stool unsteadily and starts to walk towards the man.
The construction worker looks the man square in the eye and says, "You got a problem, buddy?"
"Oh no," insists the man. "I'm just on the wrong side of the bar."


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