Tramp's Riverbank
Random thoughts and experiences infused with a touch of humor. And freebies, too. The Crew: TRAMP; Chief Editor, Head Brewer And Publisher / CORRINE; Midwest Editor, Writer And Research Assistant / SWEET; West Coast Editor, Writer And Head Of Information / CARRIE; East Coast Editor, Writer, Beer Tester and Professional Foxy Babe/ SOUTHERN GIRL: Southern Editor, Writer, Executive Commentator And Board Certified Professional Advisor
Donald Trump likes to pick on women.
He has no balls. As many times as he's
been married, and all the girlfriends he's had,
he must also have a very small penis. Nobody
seems willing to stick around even with all the money
he has. If he has as much money as he would like us to
think he does, why does he do "reality TV?" It makes
him look desperate for money.
Rosie seems nice enough but I'm not quite sure
how she became famous. Seems pretty plain Jane
to me. (except for the lesbian thing)
Martha clawed, scratched and fought her way
to where she is today. I personally don't care for her,
but to come straight from jail and pick up from where
she left off is somewhat impressive. She still has some work to do, but I believe she will be sucessful at rebuilding her empire.
Trump would have never survived the rough anal sex from a prison stay and Rosie might have enjoyed it, too much.
In my opinion, Martha's got the biggest balls of them all.
I agree. Not only are martha's the biggest, but also the shiniest. They are a highly polished brass.
And Trump was never in the running. He picks on women because he has no balls.
Oh, and thanks for that mental image of Trump being bent over by an enormous felon and 'used', while Trump yells over and over, "You're fired!"
Trump would have never survived the rough anal sex from a prison stay and Rosie might have enjoyed it, too much.
ok, that made me LOL!
And I get him in person some Sundays and most holidays.
You should stop by, I'll bring the beer.
Don't worry about running out, there's a brewery in the basement.
Martha "Big Balls" Stewart would not allow Donald "I Have Balls, Really" Trump to fire her.
Martha knows there is no such thing as "bad publicity."
I don't beleive she really wanted to do that show with Trump. But after the blow her reputation took from her
time behind bars, you have to get your name and face
back out there, take your lumps and criticism early,
and all will blow over with time. She probably even mustered up a little sympathy by being fired by The Donald. When it comes to doing business, she's as ruthless and shrewd as they come. I say, good for her.
Whoa, wait a minute.
No such thing as bad publicity?
Whoever said that was wrong.
Ask Pee Wee Herman.
Or Kramer.
Or Mel Gibson.
In all fairness:
Paul Reubens aka Pee Wee Herman
has been in several movies since
the movie theater shooting. One of those movies
was with Johnny Depp. Also, his old
Saturday morning show is being shown in syndication.
He is quietly doing just fine.
Michael Richards was pretty well washed up before
he even uttered a single racial remark. He got more airtime afterwards than he did for the past 10 years.
and you know Mel will be just fine. Our attention spans
aren't what they used to be.
I think Pee Wee would have done better without that publicity. He needs to run a bait shop. He could call it 'The Master...
Oh never mind.
And the airtime Kramer did get, I wouldn't want. But they are a different animal.
And Mel was a bad example. He's bulletproof! I think he is a great actor and director, but racism is an ugly thing.
Hear that Kramer?
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