The River Today
I went out on the river today with my friend, Albert. It was a very busy place, what with people making up for lost time due to the crap that passed for weather yesterday. The water was very warm, as I found out by jumping off a barge dock. That can sting if you are not ready for it. I do it all the time, but I wouldn't recommend it.
We checked out some of the new docks people had set up. Some of them were laid out with signs on everything, including the trees. They had small signs identifying the tree type. No, I don't know why, but to each his own.
Albert sat on a dock as I revved up the PWC. He paid no attention to me as I slowly headed out. As I turned back toward him, he was oblivious to me. I came in at a very high rate of speed and turned off at the last second. If you've ever seen a PWC do this, you know about the enormous wall of water they will throw. Albert didn't know this, but he does now, if you catch my drift.
Jim, a friend on the island, showed me where you can see his house from the north end of the island. I never knew he lived so close, but what a view. It is on the edge of the Ohio valley about 100 feet above the river. I told him never to stumble from his porch, that would be one hell of a high dive.
He was ready for a game of horseshoes on the island, but I hadn't had lunch yet and wanted to hit the marina. When we got back, he was in kick-back mode and horseshoes were not to be. Fine by me, I'd rather explore the river valley by water.
I took a few photos while running the river. These might interest you.
This is an old barge dock used for loading and unloading their haul. What a diving platform!

A view straight up the side of one pier support, you can see they are not easy to climb.

A shot from the middle of the river.

And a hitch hiker I found while cruising. Not really, that's Albert.

You were invited, as always!
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