Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Sweet's Soapbox - Update

Follow-up as of Monday!…

* Hubby better…

* New employer gone…I was told that I was one of the Sweetest’s people she had ever had working in the office…Hey, we all know I am Sweet. Anyway, she told me I was no match to her style…
I agreed and left, knowing someone else will benefit…should I go to work for them…or maybe this sweet personality of mine will allow me to start my own business…



Footnote from Tramp: Sweet has the qualities and capabilities to take on any challenge presented to her. She is intelligent, kind, caring, and can see right through a brick wall of bullshit. She is, however, equally equipped with the knowledge and the tools required in educating those poor misguided souls who might attempt to cross or deceive her.

I don't think she will start her own business. I believe she might assume control of an already established one instead . We may be closer to a woman president than we know!


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