Peace On Earth, Good Will Towards Men And WomenMerry Christmas To All --0 Days To Go!
And we mean all!

They really are not just words.
They should be an attitude.
And not just at this time of year.
Say it with me.
Have a Merry Christmas
and try to see that everyone else does.
This is a heartfelt message from everyone here at the Riverbank.
Merry Christmas from Sweet, Corrine, Carrie, SouthernGirl and Tramp.
JohnD and his wife (the artist) and son,
Jim M (anonymous) and his wife Patty and three wonderful children Casey, Ryan and Erin,
my wife Lady and our son Shylo and his fiance Liz,
Geno, Darla, Eva,
Colleen and Kenny,
Alrad Yak,
Joe and Penny,
Bobby and Vicky,
Ed and Tina,
Perry H.,
Frank K.,
Mike H.,
Peter and Nola H. and family,
Ralph W,
Al and Chatie,
All Riverbank readers everywhere!
...(to be continued).
Listed Posthumously In Memoriam;
Douglas Smith US Marine Veteran And A True Friend Of Mine - Semper Fi, Sir, You Won't Be Needing That Cane In Heaven Doug.
Harold "Whitey" Kuhns US Army Reserve Veteran And A True Friend Of Mine, You Won't Be Needing That Lawnmower In Heaven Whitey!
Bless you all, you truely are special people!
If you believe these words and would like to have your name added to the list, leave a comment and let me know. I will add you.
This post stays at the top thru Christmas.
FOOTNOTE: There is no 'Holiday Tree' in my house. We are not having a 'Holiday'.
We have a Christmas tree and we are having Christmas in our home.
The ACLU can shove their' Holiday Tree' up their ass!
FOOTNOTE: A friend mentioned to me that I am saying 'Goodwill Towards Men And Women' and then telling the ACLU to shove it. I responded that the ACLU is not a man nor woman, but simply a bad idea.